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Communities in Transition 

for Queensland Communities

Indigenous Artist - Roel Wijnants |

Lychees - CSIRO - Science Image - 2309

Lichen & street scene - Quest Media

Individual behavioural change

Transitioning to low carbon communities—from behaviour change to systemic change: Lessons from Australia,  2010, Susie Moloney , Ralph E. Horne, John Fien, Energy Policy, 38, 7614–7623

A database has been compiled of over one hundred local programmes aimed at realising carbon neutral communities across Australia largely through approaches to behaviour change. This paper presents the findings of an analysis of these programmes, particularly with regard to the extent to which they take account of a socio-technical framework or understanding of domestic consumption behaviours and whether they are aware of or aim to influence changing standards and expectations around consumption practices within the home.

Mobilising individual behavioural change through community initiatives: Lessons for tackling climate change The Energy Review Study, 2007 Defra, UK

The first phase reviewed existing community initiatives aimed at changing individual behaviour to identify key success factors and to identify potential lessons for community-based approaches to engaging individuals with tackling climate change. The second phase examined stakeholder perspectives of how Government policies and programmes could encourage and enable communities and local authorities to fulfil their potential in helping to mobilise individuals to tackle climate change.

Promoting lower-carbon lifestyles: The role of personal values, climate change communications and carbon allowances in processes of change, 2013, The University of Edinburgh

This thesis, involving UK-based research, investigates how to promote behavioural changes to reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with individuals’ lifestyles. Four distinct but related projects examine whether or not and how climate change movies influence attitudes and behaviour; motivations of individuals who have already adopted lower-carbon lifestyles; and the experiences of people attempting to live with an annual carbon allowance.

Case studies


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