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Communities in Transition 

for Queensland Communities

Indigenous Artist - Roel Wijnants |

Lychees - CSIRO - Science Image - 2309

Lichen & street scene - Quest Media

Natural sequencing to hydrate soils

Method to restore floodplains and their streambeds by slowing the rate of water flow, especially after rain events, by a series of physical interventions in the landscape.



NSF - Principles & Applications


The Mullon Institute, NSW 

The Mulloon Institute’s research methodologies are recognised by the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network and take a multi-dimensional integrated research approach with three key elements:

  1. Environmental impact of the rehydrating landscapes

  2. Economic impact of the landscape rehydration on landholders, community and the nation

  3. Social impact of the landscape rehydration on community members

Tarwyn Park Training, NSW

Case studies

Tarwyn Park, NSW

For over 40 years the property was dedicated to understanding, practicing and teaching the methods of landscape rehabilitation. It was here that Peter Andrews pioneered the internationally recognised Natural Sequence Farming based around Rehabilitation, Regeneration and Rehydration of the landscape acting as the steps to build up a degraded landscape.

The story of Tarwyn Park has been featured on the ABC’s Australian Story 

Forage Farm, Gympie, Qld


The farm uses landscape rehabilitation techniques, collectively known as Natural Sequence Farming)  techniques developed by Peter Andrews on “Tarwyn Park”. 

Gunningrah, Bombala, NSW

Constructing leaky weirs across creeks and gullies, Time-controlled rotational grazing matching stock numbers to land carrying capacity, Introducing goats for weed control, Increased profit stability – even with decreased rainfall, Labour inputs reduced by 40%, providing increased time to pursue other activities, Healing erosion gullies, Greater water retention in pastures

Jillamatong, Braidwood, NSW

Time-controlled rotational grazing within carrying capacity and designed to facilitate nutrient movement, Replacing ploughing with surface cultivation and direct sowing, Natural Sequence Farming approach to Watercourse management, Use of organic wastes as fertilisers, Productivity increase from 1.73 to 1.13 hectares per cow, Total profit per hectare per 100mm of rain more than 10 times greater than local average




Soaking up Australia's drought, ABC News 

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