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Communities in Transition 

for Queensland Communities

Indigenous Artist - Roel Wijnants |

Lychees - CSIRO - Science Image - 2309

Lichen & street scene - Quest Media

Agr Tech
A report by the Australian Council of Learned Academies on Australia’s agricultural future states: 
In terms of transofrmative technology: 
  1. Future agricultural enterprises will rely more on automation, robotics and sophisticated data analysis, causing employment opportunities to shift towards more specialised knowledge, skills and training.
  2. The food value chain is increasingly utilising modern information systems.
  3. Technological requirements of future farming may drive farmers to specialise in production whereas risk reduction and sustainability drivers could push some farms to be more diverse.
  4. Agriculture and food industries will need access to reliable, real-time information about markets, consumer preferences, and the conditions of the resource base.
  5. Profitable agricultural industries will support those farmers and their communities that are innovative and well connected.
  6. Contemporary agricultural industries with strong participation in export markets have innovative partnerships between farmers, information providers and researchers and have more farmer-initiated innovation.
  7. Agricultural production and marketing are increasingly knowledge intensive activities, drawing on technological developments in computing, engineering and data analysis.
High impact technologies 

Sector Competitiveness Plan Food and Agribusiness Growth Centre, 2017

The Plan focuses on all innovation and value adding activities along the food and agribusiness value chain that meets the needs of consumers and/or customers, and results in the increased benefit and sustainable competitiveness of the industry. Where products are produced as commodities, they are excluded.



Detecting opportunities and challenges for Australian rural industries final report, 2018, AgriFutures

Anticipate technologies that present potential opportunities and challenges to Australian rural industries.

Horizon Scan 6 High impact innovations transforming Australian agriculture and Horizon Scan 6 Fact Sheet , 2018, Agrifutures

This is the sixth report in a series of scans looking for high impact technologies overseas and in other sectors of the Australian economy that will likely disrupt the agricultural supply chain.

Edge computing is a computing topology in which data storage and analysis is kept close to where it is collected, without needing to be sent to the cloud. 

Extended reality technologies create experiences that blur the boundaries of real and digital environments.  Learning experiences can be more engaging. 

High altitude wireless internet - 5G is the next generation of wireless internet technology. It brings faster internet with the flexibility to provide connectivity over large distances and high-speed concentrated connectivity. High altitude wireless internet delivery is the creation of wireless internet networks in the stratosphere, which provide internet to locations on the ground.

Quantum computers operate on completely different principles to general-purpose computers. Quantum computers are best suited to solving complex modelling problems and could have significant impact for agriculture by improving the methods for producing ammonia-based fertiliser.

Artificial photosynthesis  produces energy in the form of hydrogen which can be stored and converted into electrical energy without producing any harmful by-products. Artificial photosynthesis technology has also been used to directly produce liquid fuels.


Smart cities aim to advance the liveability, sustainability and economic benefit of an urban area through the use of technologies such as Internet of Things, artificial intelligence and cloud computing.

Horizon Scan 5 High impact innovations transforming Australian agriculture and Horizon Scan 5 Fact Sheet , 2018, Agrifutures





Smart SA: New DNA tracking to protect South Australia’s clean, green produce from food fraud, The Avertiser


How Agricultural Robots Could Be Essential to Australia’s Farming FutureSouthern Phone


The development of Conservation Agriculture in Australia—Farmers as innovators, 2014, 

International Soil and Water Conservation Research, Vol 2, Iss 1, Pg 21-34

Australian farmers have embraced Conservation Agriculture because it has met their needs, maintaining productivity and profitability in the face of declining terms of trade, and sustainably intensifying production with enhanced environmental outcomes. Drawing on individual farmer case studies, the specific strengths of farmer innovation are identified and the enabling conditions necessary for farmer innovation to flourish are discussed.


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