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Communities in Transition 

for Queensland Communities

Sunday Creek Education Centre - Quest Media |

Rescue Helicopter – CSIRO Science Image 12341

Electric Vehicle – Mikes Photos from Pexels

Rating Schemes

Green Star Communities Rating Tool  - An assessment 2018, John Gelder, Manju Agrawal, Jeremy Miller Low Carbon CRC 

The GBCA (Green Building Council of Australia) Green Star Communities rating tool evaluates sustainability aspects of the planning, design, and construction of large scale development projects, at a precinct, neighbourhood, or community scale.

National Australian Built Environment Rating System (NABERS)

NABERS is a national rating system that measures the environmental performance of Australian buildings, tenancies and homes. NABERS measures the energy efficiency, water usage, waste management and indoor environment quality of a building or tenancy and its impact on the environment.

Green Star Rating, Green Building Council of Australia

Green Star assesses the sustainable design, construction and operation of buildings, fitouts and communities. Choosing Green Star can help you save money, create a healthy place for people, minimise your environmental footprint and build a better future for us all.

Low Carbon Building Codes

Buildings research and analysis,, Department of the Environment and Energy 

A large range of research and analysis has been conducted to inform the development of policy and programs, assess the impacts of current requirements and model future interventions. These reports are intended to be used by industry and government to guide and inform the development of future policies and programs, including initiatives under the National Energy Productivity Plan (NEPP).

Building Code improvements could lower energy bills, Low Carbon Living CRC 

Australians could save up to $150 per household on energy bills annually if standards were tightened in the Building Code, according to a new report supported by the CRC for Low Carbon Living.

Reducing carbon through ambitious improvements to the building code energy requirements, 2018, CRC for Low Carbon Living

The operation of buildings accounts for almost a quarter of Australia's carbon emissions and over half of electricity demand. Improving the minimum standards for energy efficiency in new construction is a key opportunity to reduce these emissions and reduce energy costs.

Low Carbon Materials and Paints

Low carbon buildings, Carbon Trust

Low carbon building advice for building owners and occupiers - how to ensure your new or refurbished building is energy efficient and uses renewables effectively.  Guidance on managing design, construction and operation as well as on key low carbon building technology areas.

Sustainable materials for low carbon buildings, B.V. Venkatarama Reddy, International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies, Volume 4, Issue 3, 1 September 2009, Pages 175–181

This paper focuses on certain issues pertaining to energy, carbon emissions and sustainability of building construction with particular reference to the Indian construction industry. Use of sustainable natural materials in the past, related durability issues, and the implications of currently used energy-intensive materials on carbon emissions and sustainability are discussed. 

Energy Efficient Buildings

Commercial buildings,, Department of the Environment and Energy

Non-residential buildings include commercial buildings such as shops, hotels, restaurants, and offices, industrial buildings, schools and hospitals. They are responsible for approximately 10% of Australia's greenhouse gas emissions.

Building owners and tenants are realising that energy efficiency has many business benefits. It offers a cost-effective way to manage rising energy prices, increase productivity and reduce operating costs. It can also increase the value of your property and attract higher rentals returns.

Build for energy efficiency, Sustainability Victoria

Using good design principles can save energy, water and money, while creating a more enjoyable and comfortable home. All new homes, home renovations, alterations and additions need to comply with the 6-star standard in the National Construction Code. Go up just one star, however, and you will reduce your heating and cooling energy needs – and your energy bills – by 30 per cent..

Water Efficient Buildings

Water efficient fixtures in new houses, townhouses and units, Department of Housing and Public Works, Building Codes Queensland

What water efficient fixtures are required in new dwellings? 

Reducing water demand, Your Home, Australian Government

Reducing water consumption in the home is a simple and easy way to decrease water and energy bills and lessen your household’s impact on the environment. Conserving water resources, even in areas without shortages, helps reduce the need to build dams or extract water from rivers, decreases wastewater produced and treated at sewage plants, lowers energy requirements for treating and transporting water and wastewater, and reduces greenhouse gas emissions.

Every household can cut down water use at low cost, often with costs recouped through water and energy savings within one year.

Water efficiency,, Department of the Environment and Energy

Water-efficient appliances and fixtures, combined with sensible water use, saves money and helps keep our reserves at sustainable levels. The biggest water-users in the home are washing machines, showers, taps and toilets.

By using more water-efficient products Australians could save $2 billion by 2030, an average saving of $175 per household each year. 

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